Between July 9 and 13, the annual conference of AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning) was held in Venice, Italy. This year, the congress invited scholars and practitioners to reflect on the theme “Planning for Transition” and had about 1000 participants.
The MOBI-Age project team organized and moderated a special session whose theme was “Friendly Spaces and Mobility for Aging” and had 12 presentations by researchers from around the world. This session was also attended by the Keynote Speaker Lisa D’Ambrosio, MIT AgeLab researcher, who did a presentation on the work they have been developing under the title “Designing Places and Planning Spaces for the Next Generation of Older Adults” . This session, with a very focused theme in the adaptation of the public space for the elderly, allowed the sharing of the results of many studies that are being developed in several parts of the world.
A more deep discussion on the subject was held after in a roundtable with the theme “Geographies of age. Older people’s access to housing and urban life”, where the MOBI-Age project also participated.