Promotion of Urban Mobility for Aged Populations


This exploratory project aims to contribute to the promotion of sustainable mobility for the aged population.

This population, with some restrictions in terms of personal mobility, do not always have easy access to urban spaces and to the components of the transport system. If up to now the quantitative of this population could be considered balanced with that of the younger population, it is now expanding throughout Europe, with the number of people over 65 years old exceeding the number of people under 18 in many countries. The demographic pyramid in Europe shows the distribution of the 503 million men and women in the European Union (based on the EU27 countries in 2012) as a “constrictive pyramid”, which is typical of societies with low fertility and mortality rates and with relatively older populations.

The urban centers concentrate a large part of the population aged in the cities, which also inhabit the older buildings. By definition and in most of these cities, these areas are also areas where historical monuments and other factors of tourist attraction are located. Senior tourism is also a consequence of the general aging of the population and has been increasing. This scenario makes the urban centers, especially the historic centers, where more of the elderly are concentrated compared to other parts of the city, residents and visitors. It was observed that neither the urban public space nor the transport system are adequate, with optimal conditions, to the mobility needs of these groups. In this way, this exploratory project concentrates:

  • First of all, in the literature review on the adequacy of the urban space at the level of design and urban infrastructures, with regard to the routes and the pedestrian and bicycle accesses, both to the buildings and access points of the system of transport;
  • On the other hand, the literature on mobility and accessibility of the elderly in the transportation system will also be revised.

Using some information from this review, two case studies (selected areas of urban rehabilitation zones – historical centers) will be studied:

  • One in Coimbra;
  • One in Porto.

These two case studies will be studied in relation to:

  • The characteristics of the resident elderly population;
  • The areas of residence;
  • Characteristics of public space including tourist attractions;

These studies aim to identify needs and failures. These processes go beyond documentary work and will also aim to create social innovation by holding participatory and dynamic sessions of collaboration with this population, assessing more precisely what their needs and aspirations are. A methodology for the diagnosis and classification of central historical spaces, particularly those that are the target of urban rehabilitation operations, will be elaborated from the bibliographic review and the evaluation work of the case studies, as to their suitability in terms of mobility within the areas. considered and between these zones and other areas of the city, for the older population, whether resident or visitor. This methodology should inform the future development of interactive information platforms, aimed at end users of the space and not only for visitors, but also for residents, which will allow them to find solutions to their travel needs with easily.

Promotion of Urban Mobility for Aged Populations


Besides the common tasks of project management (task 1) and dissemination (task 2), the project will be centered in three main tasks:

1) State-of-the-art with literature concerning the ‘urban space and the elderly’ and literature concerning the ‘mobility and the elderly’ (task 3);
2) A full elderly-driven approach with the study of the populations, of the urban space and of the transport systems to be tackle in the case studies (Coimbra and Porto central historical zones), also including workshops with the population (task 4);
3) Finally, it considers a method for urban areas classification, the so called MOBIAGE evaluation methodology with definition of criteria for classification of areas adapted to elderly. The method developed will have as main outcome the production of a manual with guidelines for diagnosis and classification of these type of areas elsewhere (task 5).

Promotion of Urban Mobility for Aged Populations


Faculty of Sciences and Technology is the major faculty within the University of Coimbra

Faculty of Sciences and Technology is the major faculty within the University of Coimbra, an indisputable reference in higher education and research in Portugal, due to the quality of the courses taught and to the advances achieved in pure and applied research in various areas of knowledge.

In FCTUC, they are creating new knowledge and understanding and they want to share this learning with you. The Faculty draws on its involvement in cutting-edge research to make sure you get the best education at all levels. Eleven departments offer programs leading to the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree programs. (more info: https://www.uc.pt/en/fctuc )

Promotion of Urban Mobility for Aged Populations


An institution of international reference The Faculty of Engineering (FEUP) is the largest faculty of the University of Porto

An institution of international reference The Faculty of Engineering (FEUP) is the largest faculty of UPORTO, with more than 8000 students, 63 courses and close to 600 teachers and researchers across 9 departments of engineering: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial Management and Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, and Mining Engineering. The main Research & Innovation areas of activity are Environment Technologies, Sea Technologies, Food Technologies, Biotechnology, Health Technologies, Materials Technologies, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Automation and Control, Information and Telecommunication Technologies, Systems Technologies, Energy Systems and Energy, Quality and Food Safety, Risk Prevention and Reduction, Industrial Management. FEUP is located in the Porto Innovation District, where the strong presence of engineering technologies, health sciences and entrepreneurship lend considerable impetus to the process of innovation. An example is the Science and Technology Park of University of Porto (UPTEC), a fundamental structure of support knowledge transfer between the university and the market. (more info www.fe.up.pt)

Promotion of Urban Mobility for Aged Populations


CITTA is a research centre of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto – FEUP) and the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra – FCTUC).

An innovative, creative, dynamic and productive European research centre, developing inter and multidisciplinary applied research, policy and design oriented, in the complementary fields of Spatial Planning, Environmental Policy, and Transport Planning and Engineering, focusing on the roles of cities, urban systems and their transport infrastructure and services under a distinctive post carbon paradigm perspective, able to feed and influence the international research agenda without jeopardizing the potential of knowledge generation associated to the specific nature of local, regional and national planning and transport issues.