Round Table “Aging and Daily Mobility” / International Elderly Day (1st October 2019)

On October 1, 2019, The “MOBI-Age” project team attended a Round Table organized by the “GRAMP CITY” project whose theme was “Aging and Daily Mobility” and was held with the aim of celebrating the “International Elderly Day”.

There was a very interesting discussion between stakeholders from various areas, namely specialists in the field of geography, medicine and sociology. In addition, it also had a representative of Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra and a doctor and city councilor of Coimbra. However, all with the interest of improving the lives of people and the elderly in particular.

It was mentioned the decentralization, lack of access to basic minimum services, including health services, which rural populations face, lack of integrated urban planning, mobility prospects of older people, discrepancies in quality of life of the different elderly people and the value that should be given to this age group by society. These subjects and many others.

It was an excellent opportunity to hear different perspectives on what active aging is and what remains to be done.

More information about “GRAMP CITY” project: