“Ageing Europe 2019”: Portugal will be the oldest country in the European Union by 2050 (21st October 2019)

“Ageing Europe 2019”, released this Friday by Eurostat, predicts that population aging will accelerate more in Portugal than in other countries. The report indicates that in three decades 35.1% of the Portuguese population will be 55 or older.

Eurostat published a digital publication called ‘Ageing Europe — Statistics visualised’ that allows people to get a quick and interactive overview of the situation of each country and compare it to some other European countries. The different visualisation tools offers people a playful way to dig into selected statistics focusing on the following six subjects: population, living conditions, health, working life, income and expenditure and social life.

The full report can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3217494/10166544/KS-02-19%E2%80%91681-EN-N.pdf/c701972f-6b4e-b432-57d2-91898ca94893

The referred tool can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/digpub/ageing/