On October 21, 2019, the MOBI-AGE project team interviewed four tourists and one elderly resident in the Historic Center of the city of Coimbra.
We had the opportunity to talk to four seniors from Australia. This group was sitting on a terrace in the historic center. They told us that they were enjoying the city very much and that they chose to park their car and were always walking around so they could enjoy the scenery and do some physical exercise. They consider the public space safe and with a high density of points of interest, however, they said they did not like the graffities on the walls and the cigarette butts on the floor. In the end, they gave a rating of 4/5 for the quality of public space.
With the support of the Sé Velha Parish Center, we visited an 83-year-old lady resident in the historic center of Coimbra. This elderly woman, despite hearing and motor limitations, regularly travels on foot to go shopping. She told us that on her usual route she enjoys granite comfort zones accompanied by a handrail and this greatly facilitates her mobility. When traveling with heavy purchases, sometimes she resorts to “Pantufinhas”, however, when there is a long waiting time at some stop, she gives up and chooses to walk the rest of the way.
Through the Sé Velha Parish Center, we will interview some older people whom they give home support.