General News

“Ageing Europe 2019”: Portugal will be the oldest country in the European Union by 2050 (21st October 2019)
“Ageing Europe 2019”, released this Friday by Eurostat, predicts that population aging will accelerate more in Portugal than in other countries. The report indicates that

MIA-Portugal (Multidisciplinary Institute of Aging) gets funding from Horizon 2020 program (26th September 2019)
The MIA-Portugal (Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing) research project, led by the University of Coimbra, in partnership with the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, the University

“Where Europe’s Top 10 Cities Rank for Accessibility” (Alpharooms- 6th June 2019)
Discount travel website Alpharooms has crunched the numbers, comparing public transportation, top tourist attractions (Alpharooms studied 15 attractions within each city based on assistance available, adaptive toilets,

“Nearly four thousand elderly people assaulted in three months” (JN- 15th June 2019)
“Nearly four thousand elderly people assaulted in three months”. A sad reality reported by Jornal de Notícias. The “Mobi-Age” project itself has already detected this

Healthy, Intelligent and Friendly Environments (28 June in Faro)
The Portuguese Network Healthy, Intelligent and Friendly Environments will hold an INTERNATIONAL + WORKSHOP EVENT on June 28, 2019, at the CCDR Algarve, in Faro.

Center Region shares good practices of Active and Healthy Aging
The Best Practice in Active and Healthy Ageing Catalogue is now available online! This document is the collection of the applications submitted to the Best

People In The EU – Statistics On An Ageing Society
This is one of a set of statistical articles that forms Eurostat’s flagship publication People in the EU: who are we and how do we

Senior Census Operation 2017
The National Republican Guard (GNR) held, throughout March in the entire country, another edition of the “Senior Censuses”, which aims to identify the elderly population